This forum is created by Asociatia Wild Bucovina. The purpose of this forum is to publish information on each topic. Each live camera will have a separate section depending on the monitored species.
Descriere :
Salutare tuturor! Avem vești bune.
1. Detalii despre donațiile dvs. aici:
Din donatiile dumneavoastra s-a strans suma de 9825,64 lei. Cheltuielile pentru îmbunatarirea sistemului de alimentare pentru prima camera live la cuibul acvilei de munte dar si pentru a doua camera au fost acoperite de donatiile voastre iar comanda pentru camera, kit-ul special si echipamentul de catarare a fost data.
Multumim frumos tuturor celor care au donat pentru acest proiect.
Hi all! We have good news.
1. Details about your donations here:
Hi all! We have good news. The amount of 1999.12 euro was raised from your donations. The costs for the improvement of the feeding system for the first live camera at the mountain eagle's nest but also for the second camera were covered by your donations and the order for the camera, the special kit and the climbing equipment was given.
Many thanks to all those who donated for this project.